
Keys to Comparing and Buying Freightliner dump trucks

If you’re looking for a Freightliner dump truck to help with your business, the Freightliner fleet of trucks is a great place to start. The company offers a wide range of different vehicles designed for various jobs and purposes. If you’re interested in buying one of their products, keep reading for some helpful tips on how to compare them!

Does Freightliner make dump trucks?

freightliner dump truck single axle

Yes, Freightliner does make dump trucks. 实际上, it’s one of the largest manufacturers of medium-duty trucks in the world and sells more than 50 different models—some of which are designed specifically for construction contractors or utility companies.

The company was founded in Portland, Oregon on July 5th, 1900 as “Freightliner Corp.” As its name implies (it means “freight carrier”), it started out as a manufacturer of boxcars used by railroads during that time period. It wasn’t until 1926 当他们开始为其他公司制造汽车车身时,最终更名为 Freightliner Manufacturing Company 1937 与 Winton Motor Carriage Company 合并后 (通用汽车的一个部门). 再次成为独立公司后 1994 隶属于戴姆勒克莱斯勒股份公司 (后来成为北美戴姆勒卡车公司), Freightliner 开始销售他们自己的中型直型卡车系列; 其次是班级 8 拖拉机; 然后终于用 Class 完成了他们的产品阵容 5-7 针对车队和业主运营商的中型卡车!

Freightliner dump truck

Freightliner dump truck


freightliner tandem dump truck

您可以通过确定运载量来计算 Freightliner 自卸卡车的容量. 货车尺寸, 包括它的轴距, 将决定它能承受多少重量. The load capacity will vary depending on whether you have a single or tandem axle. 标准的货运班轮自卸卡车的轴距为 120 英寸, 允许它携带高达 26 吨和拖运负载高达 33 一英尺长.

The weight limit may vary depending on whether the truck is empty when you’re hauling bulky items or if there’s already cargo inside. 例如, if your freightliner dump truck is empty and you use straps or cables to secure your load onto the trailer bed instead of loading directly into the dump body itself (which would add extra weight), then that could affect how much total tonnage you can haul at once without exceeding safety regulations

What life expectancy of a freightliner dump truck?

freightliner m2 106 垃圾车

The life expectancy of a Freightliner 三轴自卸车 is 15 至 20 年,这通常取决于卡车的气候和使用情况. Freightliner 自卸卡车的预期寿命与其他卡车相似, 但由于其耐用性,它可以比其他卡车使用更长时间. Freightliner 自卸车的使用寿命优于其他品牌,因为它拥有卓越的品牌声誉, 这使得这些卡车比该细分市场中的其他卡车更可靠.

为什么 Freightliner 是最好的?

freightliner dump truck specs

freightliner tandem dump truck

freightliner tandem dump truck

如果您正在寻找 Freightliner 最佳的原因, 这里列出了这个品牌如此优秀的众多原因.

  • Freightliner 享有良好的声誉.
  • Freightliner 在为有需要的客户提供优质产品方面有着悠久的历史.
  • Freightliner 提供多种不同型号的自卸卡车和其他车辆,可根据您的需求和要求以及预算进行定制.

这些只是 Freightliner 整体上如此出色的品牌的一些例子!

How to choose the best freightliner dump truck?

freightliner dump truck for sale

Now that you have a basic understanding of the different types of freightliner dump trucks available for purchase, it’s time to compare and buy.

There are several things you should take into consideration before making a final decision on which truck is right for your business. These include:

  • Capacity: The capacity of a truck will determine how much material it can hold at one time. It’s important to know that this value may increase or decrease depending on what type of material is being carried by the vehicle (i.e., dirt vs rock).
  • Brand name: There are various reputable companies that make these vehicles, so if you’re looking for an American-made option then Freightliner brand would be worth considering; however, there are other brands that produce excellent machines as well such so don’t rule out those options either! Make sure the company has been around long enough (at least 10 年) so they won’t disappear overnight without some warning ahead of time either way though – just saying…
  • Cost: This factor depends largely upon whether or not financing will be needed during purchasing process itself too since paying cash upfront typically results in lower rates than other forms where credit cards may come into play instead due to interest paid out over time along with interest rate fees associated with them too (like APR).
freightliner dump truck for sale

freightliner dump truck for sale

How much does a Freightliner truck cost?

freightliner dump truck price

You can find Freightliner trucks for sale at many dealers, including truck dealerships and independent sellers. 这 price of a new Freightliner dump truck depends on factors such as the type of vehicle you want, its features and accessories, and where you buy it.


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  • Base price: The base price for most Freightliner dump trucks is around $50,000 至 $60,000. This amount doesn’t include taxes or other fees required by state law (such as registration).
  • Options: You can pay more than the base price if you choose options such as a cab upgrade or air conditioning system during your purchase. Some accessories may have additional costs associated with them as well.


Freightliner is one of America’s most well-known truck brands. From the factory to your driveway, Freightliner has you covered with a wide range of tipper lorry and options. So whether you need a heavy-duty dump truck or just need to get around town more efficiently, there’s something here for everyone!如有任何问题, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!