

We all know that the mining dump truck is a trusted workhorse, but do you really know what goes into their construction? Here’s a rundown of some basic information you should know about these heavy machines.


mining dump truck size

Mining Dump Truck

  • Front Axle Capacity

The front axle capacity is measured in tons and represents how much the front axle can carry. This number can be misleading, however, as it does not represent the total load capacity of a vehicle. The front axle’s weight must be split up between its two wheels. 例如, if a dump truck has 9-ton capacity on each wheel and you were to fill it with gravel, your overall capacity would only be 17 吨 (9 + 9).

  • Rear Axle Capacity

Rear axle capacities are also measured in tons like front axles but they use an average between them for an overall measurement of weight that can safely be carried by all four wheels together.

  • Wheelbase: 测量自卸卡车时最重要的因素之一是它们的轴距——从上面看时它们的串联轴中心线之间的距离; 更长的轴距在更高的速度下提供更好的稳定性,但需要更多的空间来转弯。*长度: 确定矿用自卸车相对于其有效载荷能力需要多大 (简而言之, 是否需要任何特殊功能), 在将它们与下面列出的进行比较之前,先测量负载的长度和宽度; remember that most mines have limited space where they work so keep this fact in mind when shopping around! Also keep in mind that if you will need extra room later down line then invest now without hesitation because there’s nothing worse than buying something too small only after realizing there was room for growth!

mining dump truck weight

mining dump truck weight

Mining dump trucks are used in mining operations to transport materials from the mine to the processing plant. 它们还用于将矿石从加工厂运输到铁路头或公路. 自卸车有一个大前轮和几个较小的后轮. 大前轮用于在狭窄空间转弯, 例如在矿井中倒车时.

自卸车的尺寸取决于其车辆总重 (GVWR). GVWR 是车辆的最大装载重量, 包括货物, 乘客和操作员体重. GVWR 的测量不超过任何州或联邦法律对轴重或宽度的限制.

例如, 如果你有一个 8-脚宽自卸车 带有一个 18 英尺的盒子和八个车轴 (4 每边轴数), 你的 GVWR 将是 180,000 磅 (8 脚 x 12 脚 x 8 英尺 x 4 车轴 = 240 立方英尺 x 180 磅每立方英尺 = 72,000 磅).

mining dump truck price

The price of a mining 二手自卸车 can vary depending on the size, 重量和特点. 矿用自卸车价格与建筑自卸车价格不一样. 一辆普通矿用自卸车的成本范围从 $100,000 取决于 $500,000 美元.

Mining dump trucks are used for transporting material in mines and quarries. They can transport large quantities of material quickly and efficiently through rough terrain with their powerful engines, wide rear axles and multiple tires.

They are available in sizes ranging from 15 至 55 立方码 (11 至 37 ).

How a Mining Dump Truck works?

Mining Dump Truck

Mining Engineering dump trucks, or ore haulers are the most important component of a mine. They are designed to transport large loads of rock and ore to surface over rough terrain with minimal damage to their load. Mining dump trucks are usually front-end loaders (FELs), which means that they carry material in a container on the front. This allows them to carry a lot more material at once than a rear-end loader (REL) would be able to do.

Mining dump trucks come in many different sizes; depending on what you need for your project there is one out there for you! Each type of machine has its own specifications that make it unique from others. In this article we will go over each part as well as some things you should consider when buying one for yourself!

What life expectancy of a Mining Dump Truck?

mining dump truck size

mining dump truck life

The life expectancy of a mining dump truck is around 40 年. A mining dump truck’s life expectancy is determined by several factors, including the type of mining and terrain it is used in.

The engine used in the mining dump truck will also influence its service life, as well as the driver. The engine can be replaced at any point during the vehicle’s lifetime, although this may not necessarily be cost effective if it has not reached its full potential yet (i.e., it still has plenty of time left).

How to choose a best Mining Dump Truck?

mining dump truck for sale

mining dump truck for sale

  • Brand

  • Safety features

  • Engine

  • Size & Weight Capacity

  • Durability: Things to look for in a mining dump truck include the following:

  • The size of the engine. The larger, more powerful engines are more durable and can keep on moving when faced with obstacles such as rocks or mudholes. A smaller size engine might stop when faced with these obstacles, which could result in damage to your vehicle or injury to yourself or others nearby. If you’re going off-road, it’s important that you have a strong enough engine so that your machine can handle rougher terrain without having issues getting through it all safely! What kind of material does this model come equipped with? How long will it last before needing repairs? These questions need answers before making any final decisions about what kind of dump truck fits within your budget (and meets all other requirements). It’s also possible for some models’ parts/components


The market for dump truck manufacturers is expanding, not just in China but also worldwide. It’s important to know that all vehicles are unique, so your best bet is to dig deeper into what each manufacturer has to offer.If you have any questions, 欢迎与我们联系:+0086 157-1386-6881 或者 [email protected]!